NeüRMS Reports and Analytics

Powerful report analytics designed to help you run your business and have the right insights.


Analytics and reports have never been this exciting


Sales Information

With sales data, you can see how much profit is made and apply resources more effectively to grow your business.


Invoice Status

Track invoices with ease. You can check if there are Active, Void, Paid or Not Paid.


Stock Availability

You can monitor how well your store inventory meets customer demand.


Purchase Order Status

You can track the status of each purchase made.



Reports will assist you in determining which items are causing you to lose or gain the most money, and you will be able to adjust your stock accordingly to increase profits.


Credit Terms

With our system,you can specify when payment is due for credits sales, any applicable discounts, and any applicable interest or late payment fees.

Reduce mundane retail, Management workload to focus on what matters with NeuRMS.

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